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The best way to experience a community is to visit in person

Hill Top Homes Norwalk, CT
Hill Top Homes Norwalk, CT
Hill Top Homes Norwalk, CT

We invite you to visit us and experience all that Hill Top Homes has to offer.


To schedule a visit, contact our Administrator by phone or email us by completing the contact box below.


We look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks for submitting!

Hill Top Homes

212 Rowayton Avenue

Rowayton, CT 06853

Phone 203.866.8447

Fax 203.857.0026

TDD 800.842.9710

Hill Top Homes B&W sketch CLEAN.jpg

Where We Live

Hill Top Homes

212 Rowayton Avenue

Rowayton, CT 06853

Phone 203.866.8447

Fax 203.857.0026

TDD 800.842.9710

Fair Housing Information:

“We are Equal Opportunity Housing Providers and Employers.  The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, or financing of housing on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, or national origin.  Complaints of discrimination may be forwarded to the Fair Housing Administrator, US Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C.  20410, Phone 1-800-669-9777.”  Connecticut law also prohibits discrimination in all of the above categories plus these additional categories:  sex, ancestry, marital status, age (except minors, and except where program regulations restrict the housing to an age-specific category), sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, legal source of income, and veteran status.  Complaints of discrimination may be forwarded to the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities at 860-541-3400.


We do not discriminate on the basis of disability status in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, our federally assisted programs and activities.

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